Tyler Muto Round 2. If you remember last time we had Tyler on out show, like many of guests, he got to tell us his origins. If you don’t recall his original interview, go here

Now he’s back and we get down to chatting about some odd trends.

People are bragging about how they don’t train their dogs to be obedient. Some of the the points may sound quite silly, however we go into detail with Tyler to discuss various meanings behind the claim.

Tyler is a very well educated guy and he is highly intellectual and very pragmatic. Having just finished his term as president for the IACP, Tyler is now focusing his energies on his next project, Consider the Dog.

Apart from all his accomplishments, Tyler is an all round good guy, a great ambassador for training, defender of the balanced community and one of our close personal friends.

We really enjoyed having Round 2 with Tyler Muto and we are looking forward to round 3.

Hopefully you enjoyed it as much as we did.

By the way, if you made the time to read this and you still love our show, you can support us on Patreon. Here’s the link

Here’s some links to Tyler Muto

K9 Connection
Consider the dog

For information about Pat check out Operant Canine

Glenn Cooke can be found at Canine Evolution

Check out another episode of the show

Mike Suttle is one of the worlds canine industries legends. When it comes to working canine selection, bite development and scent work, Mike is a serious contender.

Living in West Virginia, Mike has an impressive property where he conducts all forms of training.

Mike’s kennel name, Logan haus has built a reputation of providing high end dogs for serious operators. These dogs are deployed around the world and are used as multi purpose law enforcers and miltary operations.

Mike and his partner Megan have been travelling around their homeland conducting training on demand for various purposes.

We have had the very good fortune of having Mike share his wisdom in Australia several times. We always look forward to seeing him return because there is so much to learn.

There are dozens of Youtube clips of Mike suttle and his amazing work in scent, bite work and even chicken training. You can check out his website for even more educational gems.

Want to learn more about Mike Suttle, click here

Need to know about Glenn Cooke click here

Desire to know about Pat Stuart click here

Check out another Industry legend when you’re done listening to Mike

The flow state is a comfortable state that lies right between boredom and anxiety. We know when we are in a state of flow when we get to the other side with ease. Time felt like it just zoomed on past us. This is not only a dog training lifestyle, it’s a lifestyle.

If you can adapt a flow state into you work, you hobby, your workout times and more, you will feel less anxious and more fulfilled. This is why people practice a little bit every day when they want to see improvement and growth.

Rather than just cramming and feeling over worked, they focus on easy and enjoyable increments. Just enough to push through barriers but not enough to feel overwhelmed. Every day a little more. just focusing on the objective.

Most people who have hobbies understand this state of being as they are doing something they enjoy without the stress.

Hopefully you are in flow state with your training.

Want to know more about Glenn? Go Here

Want to know more about Pat? Go Here

Enjoy an older episode that got plenty of traction

Nicky Butler is a UK based dog trainer that grabbed ours and many others attention from a social media video. The video message highlighted what many of us have been thinking for quite some time. The nice thing was that Nicky took time to sit for a while and consider the content.

The message conveys a simple fact often overlooked. we all love dogs. All of us! However, there’s often controversy about who’s doing it right and the politics hijack the main objectives.

We all need to be more thoughtful about this topic. We need to think about how much time is actually worth arguing about it compared to getting on with work. Cherry picked, pseudo science and wounded emotions should never be used as ammunition in any basis.

There is a wise saying that suggests that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird. Flight is not possible when one is independent of the other.

Interviewing Nicky Butler gave us a bit more insight into how people in other countries are feeling. It also describes the ethos of the individuals and the community.

Like to know more about Nicky go here

Want to know more about Pat, go here

If you would like to know more about Glenn, go here

Another good episode on helping people with Ego issues

Where are we going? It’s a good question to ask yourself every now and then to confirm you are planning your direction. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, so it’s important to know these things.

Glenn and Pat talk about what we are doing on Patreon and how it is helping to create a future. it’s a future on where we all what The Canine Paradigm to head in.

More education, more entertainment, much more laughs. We get a lot of our ideas from you the audience. We listen to your own stories. The troubles you have, the enjoyment in your training, the things you love and the things you loath.

So as you can see, it’s important to ask, where are we going?

We also discuss our concern around people, fellows trainers not crediting their mentors. They make out that they found their knowledge buried in a field and they are the only ones who know it. Time to question that fool.

If you like to do something creative with Pat Stuart, go here

If you would like to book time with Glenn Cooke go here

Here’s some other great shows to consider

Start the year with a plan. Start everything with a plan or at least try to. That way you get to do what you need to do by design, rather than just wing it.

There’s a saying that says, “plan your work, then work your plan”. Glenn thought it may have been Vince Lombardi, American football super coach and philosopher, however it was Napoleon Hill. There’s even another variation stated by Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister.

The episode at large is about people making New Years resolutions. We’re suggesting that it should be a year round resolution by being a little bit better that yesterday.

We found that by being incremental and not over doing it, learning takes on a better function overall.

Start your 2019 year off by, continuing the good work you did in 2018 and not having too high expectations. So, start your year with a plan and how can you go wrong?

If you want to get in touch with Glenn you can go here
If you want to get in touch with Pat you can go here

End of year circle jerk is a celebration of accomplishments within our show for 2108. We would like to thank everyone who listened, made time for interviews, helped, gave feedback and believed in us.

We have both had a phenomenal year, making friend, reaching out, learning about others and networking. The stories and the people we have met on the journey have been surreal to say the least.

We cannot thank you enough for taking us into your homes, laughing, crying, learning and celebrating with us.

2018 was a great year and we want to make 2019 even better and we would love your input into how we can make that happen. If there’s a person you think we should interview, let us know. If there’s a topic you think we should discuss, tell us about it. If there’s a fucker in the industry we need to tear apart, drop us a line.

Finally, we want to send warm gooey love to our Patreon supporters. You cannot know what your support means to us and how much we appreciate your patronage.

We hope you enjoy the End of year circle jerk as much as we did putting it together.

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone. We love you all

It’s me isn’t it? The words most trainers hear after they have spent a little time working with clients. Yes, it’s you. It’s not a terrible process for clients to come to terms with either.

Once your clients accept they have had a major impact on their dogs education, or lack of, we can progress.

After all, our job is not to judge or embarrass them. We are there to serve and coach and to improve the overall relationship. When this happens, true language develops and it’s a beautiful thing to behold.

No more excuses, minimal problems and manageable dogs who understand you. What you telling them is now clear and they can hear you.

If you’re having trouble with your training, reach out to a reputable trainer.

Pat can be reached at Operant Canine

Glenn can be reached at Canine Evolution

Now instead of saying, I’s me isn’t it? I’m the problem. You start to say, I’m the solution.

Another good episode in relation to this podacst

Michael Ellis is a name known very well to many of the people in the dog training community.  If you have been on youtube or Leerburg looking for a trainer series, you would no doubt come across Michael’s work.

Both Glenn and Pat have been waiting for some time now to speak with Michael and we had our prayers answered

Apart from being an all round great guy, Michael has been teaching students all over the world.

If you too would like to train with Michael Ellis or learn more about him, you can find out more here

Tyler Muto, a wonderful man, trainer and mentor to many, joins us from Buffalo New York to tell us about his migration into the training industry which led him to having his own successful business, k9 Connection and also, current president of the IACP