Hobby, Jobby, job is an expression that came from the wise oracle Bart Bellon. It’s his way of describing the transition between a hobby and a job, obviously with the jobby in-between.

Much like the phases of training that we some time refer to, this is a natural progression of many dog trainers.

They start off with the hobby and they find its been calling to them like the song of a siren. they get more involved, now it’s taking the shape of a jobby.

For many who are asking how to get into the industry, this is a good flight plan. it allows you to develop the skills you need and gives you perspective of what you’re enrolling in.

Good luck out there all the newer people coming into this wonderful industry.

Further details

If your looking for contact details, great dog trainers and supporters of The Canine Paradigm, look no further. Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us, donate to our running costs and do great things for the canine community.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and dog training services at Operant Canine

If you wish to learn a little more about us, go here

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community. If you’re not sure how, just ask us.

You can get our full range of our Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the canine community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our podcast, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be!

Check out Dogs Playing for Life! A rescue process changing dogs lives across the USA

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for dogs here. She also has her own podcast on all podcast directories called Natural Health for people and pets. Check it out.

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at birdyosheedy.com

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

Patrick and Alisha Lockett from Haus Amberg Shepherds breeding high end puppies from German bloodlines SHOW SPONSOR

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada SHOW SPONSOR

Melanie Benware at Kindred K9 Solutions SHOW SPONSOR

Kathy Santo at Kathy Santo Dog Training SHOW SPONSOR

Jasmine Whiting is at Prime Canine

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Find out more about GRC dog sports here

HUGE thanks to all our contributing artists. Please support their works

Jane Stuart
Avery Keller
Zoie Neidy

Check us out on all our social media

Instagram @thecanineparadigm
Facebook The Canine Paradigm discussion page and The Canine Paradigm book club
Clubhouse The Canine Paradigm club room

Habits of attention whores in ANOTHER episode we have now done in response to people in our industry acting poorly! We actually thought we may have been done for a while after episode 88 but no. So here we are once again.

The dog training industry is full of some of the most amazing people you could ever meet. Many of them are so generous and friendly with hearts of gold. But every yin has its yang which means there are some turds too. These are your every day attention whores. Sad people looking for love in all the wrong places.

We need to be doing a lot better for this industry. we have said that quite a lot now and while things are on the improve, there’s more to be done.

Further details

Details on joining the IACP cane be found here

Glenn is found these days right here. Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat resides now at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running.

You can get our full range of Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our show, go here

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for pets here

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Bart Bellon on remote trainers is a story about Bart and Michael Bellon and their development of the Chameleon. The Bellon’s were involved in the early concept of remote trainers with Charles Martin and then bought the company.

Bart goes on to explain what the difference is with a Martin systems compared to other models on the market.

As many of you already know, The Canine Paradigm doesn’t shy away from talking about everything. We don’t condone stupid training or animal cruelty, even though some view remote trainers in this light.

Many feel it’s important to have an open mind, open heart approach to training. We also feel that knowing all side of the story makes the story complete.

For us, we felt it important to have Bart Bellon on remote trainers as he is one of the world authorities. Inventor and user for people in our industry, he and Michael have a sound idea on the application and design.

We know that some people will always have an opinion based in fear and in grape vine stories. We only recommend that real investigation with industry professionals at least be explored.

Glenn Cooke can be contacted at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart owns and operates Operant Canine

From one legendary trainer to another

End of year circle jerk is a celebration of accomplishments within our show for 2108. We would like to thank everyone who listened, made time for interviews, helped, gave feedback and believed in us.

We have both had a phenomenal year, making friend, reaching out, learning about others and networking. The stories and the people we have met on the journey have been surreal to say the least.

We cannot thank you enough for taking us into your homes, laughing, crying, learning and celebrating with us.

2018 was a great year and we want to make 2019 even better and we would love your input into how we can make that happen. If there’s a person you think we should interview, let us know. If there’s a topic you think we should discuss, tell us about it. If there’s a fucker in the industry we need to tear apart, drop us a line.

Finally, we want to send warm gooey love to our Patreon supporters. You cannot know what your support means to us and how much we appreciate your patronage.

We hope you enjoy the End of year circle jerk as much as we did putting it together.

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone. We love you all

We like to acknowledge the people who listen to our show because without you it would just be two Johno’s sitting in a room entertaining each other. In this episode we answer some listener questions with TCP pearls of wisdom.

Thanks to everyone who took a moment to write in and again to those who provide feedback and send words of support to let us know what you like, what made you laugh, made you cry, what’s important and much more.

we want to do more of this in the future so please feel free to join us in our forums to discuss important topics OR even let us know about one you may be aware of.

We get to speak with one of Americas top dog training Vloggers and all round nice guy, Larry Krohn about his origins and his book. Larry has an amazing following and fan base of frustrated dog owners who he has shed some wisdom to in many of his on-line recordings.

We also find out that Larry is also a federal agent for homeland security, so he has to train dogs around his very important full time job.

An incredibly nice guy and an asset to our industry, we hope to speak more with Larry in the future.

Glenn and Pat catch up after many weeks apart to fill in the gaps of what’s been happening and also to answer some questions sent in by fans of the show

In this episode, Glenn and Pat get to sit with world renowned legendary trainer, Bart Bellon to discuss life and training.

For many years, people have searched high and low looking for the answers to the mysteries of the box.  In this episode, Pat will tell you about a training program he learned from the master trainer, Bart Bellon in developing a dog with mental toughness.