Episode 94: Our summary abroad is really that. A summary of our time and experience during the Canadian seminar and the IACP conference.

We started with a very long plane flight from Sydney to Montreal, followed by a 2 hour drive the next day to Ottawa. From there we had a little time to settle in before the seminar started.

Over the following days we got to meet and teach some amazing people who were just incredible people. Some of those people even joined us at conference for the IACP.

Following on from there, we left Canada to head back to the USA to meet up with Shawn and Janet Edwards. Every year they hold a trial to honour the memory of Janet’s PSA 3 dog Zuko over a 2 day trail.

Glenn got to learn more judging experience and Pat assisted in decoying. After that we both headed off on another visit of Americas airports to head to the IACP conference.

This years conference was in Colorado Springs with over 500 people attending. It goes without saying that it was an amazing time and we met more great people.

Glenn was asked to join the IACP board of directors and was accepted which was a huge honour.

The entire experience was a blast and the conference ended it well

Further details

Details on joining the IACP cane be found here

Glenn is found these days right here. Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat resides now at Operant Canine

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Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for pets here

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at Pause in life and at Paws in life

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Emma Murdoch Walk with me Ottawa

End of year circle jerk is a celebration of accomplishments within our show for 2108. We would like to thank everyone who listened, made time for interviews, helped, gave feedback and believed in us.

We have both had a phenomenal year, making friend, reaching out, learning about others and networking. The stories and the people we have met on the journey have been surreal to say the least.

We cannot thank you enough for taking us into your homes, laughing, crying, learning and celebrating with us.

2018 was a great year and we want to make 2019 even better and we would love your input into how we can make that happen. If there’s a person you think we should interview, let us know. If there’s a topic you think we should discuss, tell us about it. If there’s a fucker in the industry we need to tear apart, drop us a line.

Finally, we want to send warm gooey love to our Patreon supporters. You cannot know what your support means to us and how much we appreciate your patronage.

We hope you enjoy the End of year circle jerk as much as we did putting it together.

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone. We love you all

Hot seat stories from the IACP, comes directly from our time in Florida where we got to sit in a room with some of the many amazing people we know or met along the way at the conference.

We got to share stories, listen to origins of other trainers, share some laughs and generally hang out with amazing people while Jay Jack was heckling in the background.

As we have mentioned, one of the amazing experiences of travelling is meeting new people and making new friends from around the world as we have had the good fortune of doing and by having a conduit such as The Canine Paradigm and other industry shows, we can reach out to people all over the world to help bring our industry closer together.

We would like to thank, George Kittridge, Emma Grae Murdock, Bill Church, Josh Moran, Byron Flores, Jay Jack, Chad Mackin, Alex Edwards and Jas Whiting for a great session.

Get ready to get sweaty.

While Forrest and Josh were in town and we had a live audience, we all thought it would be a great idea to have some beers and talk about our training lives and some deep thoughts in between on our seminar panel.  Discussions were intense and a little emotion came to the surface at times, however it was a great time to have a room full of passionate people sit with each other and have the comfort to reminisce on why we came to be here, why we stay and how we can help to look after others and ourselves.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this event.  we hope to do more of these in the future.

Forrest Micke and Josh Moran who have both been on the show before and are no strangers to many Australian folks who have been to their seminars, bought their DVD’s through Leerburg and have done online coaching are now on Australian shores ready for their first joint seminar in Dural NSW.

In this episode we talk about what’s important in training while having a little fun together which we always tend to do.