Conversations with trainers in Melbourne happened as we were doing out first ever combined seminar thanks to Alex Edwards. If you don’t know Alex, he’s a buddy of our from Melbourne running his own training centre. Alex has hosted several trainers around Australia and the USA. He also shares our passion of improving our industry. His company is called, Refine Your Canine and we will link it below.

In the past, a lot of dog trainers have been very jealous of each other. They have spent too much energy trying to discredit their fellow industry operators. We’ve often addressed on the show how important it is to turn this around.

For our own good, we need to work together more and raise standards. It is happening but it’s happening at a slow pace. There’s an old joke that says that the only thing two dog trainers will agree on is what the third is doing wrong.

We need to stop thinking like this and it’s promising to know there are people wanting to change these practices. It’s a long blown out way of saying how much we appreciate Alex for supporting his own.

Dog trainers in Melbourne have really been investing in their education as have many of the other states. We loved having the time to meet many of the people who gave their time to come and see us.

Thank you to the trainers who came up to share their back stories on the show. It was a wonderful weekend we wont forget.

Further details

Details on joining the IACP cane be found here

Glenn is found these days right here. Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat resides now at Operant Canine

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Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

While Forrest and Josh were in town and we had a live audience, we all thought it would be a great idea to have some beers and talk about our training lives and some deep thoughts in between on our seminar panel.  Discussions were intense and a little emotion came to the surface at times, however it was a great time to have a room full of passionate people sit with each other and have the comfort to reminisce on why we came to be here, why we stay and how we can help to look after others and ourselves.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this event.  we hope to do more of these in the future.