We like to acknowledge the people who listen to our show because without you it would just be two Johno’s sitting in a room entertaining each other. In this episode we answer some listener questions with TCP pearls of wisdom.

Thanks to everyone who took a moment to write in and again to those who provide feedback and send words of support to let us know what you like, what made you laugh, made you cry, what’s important and much more.

we want to do more of this in the future so please feel free to join us in our forums to discuss important topics OR even let us know about one you may be aware of.

We get to speak with one of Americas top dog training Vloggers and all round nice guy, Larry Krohn about his origins and his book. Larry has an amazing following and fan base of frustrated dog owners who he has shed some wisdom to in many of his on-line recordings.

We also find out that Larry is also a federal agent for homeland security, so he has to train dogs around his very important full time job.

An incredibly nice guy and an asset to our industry, we hope to speak more with Larry in the future.

While Forrest and Josh were in town and we had a live audience, we all thought it would be a great idea to have some beers and talk about our training lives and some deep thoughts in between on our seminar panel.  Discussions were intense and a little emotion came to the surface at times, however it was a great time to have a room full of passionate people sit with each other and have the comfort to reminisce on why we came to be here, why we stay and how we can help to look after others and ourselves.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this event.  we hope to do more of these in the future.

Forrest Micke and Josh Moran who have both been on the show before and are no strangers to many Australian folks who have been to their seminars, bought their DVD’s through Leerburg and have done online coaching are now on Australian shores ready for their first joint seminar in Dural NSW.

In this episode we talk about what’s important in training while having a little fun together which we always tend to do.

In this episode we get down to the topic of communication and how that can effectively enhance or breakdown by the very systems implemented between handler / trainer / dog.

While he is still in the country, we grabbed Jay Jack to further elaborate his theory on the layered stress model that he and Chad Mackin refer to. Join us for a fun session with an entertaining breakdown on how it works and what it means to owners so they can better understand why their dog may have reacted

The awesome foursome are all together to discuss life, dogs, training and cockatoos. Jay and Chad were kind enough to hang back after a full days seminar to do a show with us in front of an audience.

Jay Jack is the other half of the successful US podcast, Dog Training Conversations and we get to talk to him ahead of his arrival into Australia about his life, growing up around dogs

Narelle Cooke joins us again to discuss a ew things we learned from the Cancer series video and to discuss the differences between allergies and intolerances in our canines

Greyhounds are amazing dogs and some great people are doing a magnificent job finding homes for greyhounds that can’t race or retire from racing. In this episode we discuss how Pats sister adopted one…..and she owns a cat. Good guy Pat to the rescue.