Trainers making terrible videos does not portray our industry well. It creates ammunition for the parties already with agendas. In this pod-cast, we discuss our concerns around the videos but also ask what could be done better?

How do you convince a fellow trainer that their work that they believe is good is in fact, not? The question that needs to be asked is, if it was you, what would change your mind?

Trainer videos fall into a lot of categories. Some are complete marketing nonsense, some are highly valuable, educational material and then there are just bombs.

Unfortunately there is no way to stop trainers making terrible videos. we just have to hope that if they are approached by a peer review group that they may pay attention.

Hate groups are not the answer either. Having more uneducated numb-skulls chiming in on the witch hunt doesn’t help. In fact that can have and has had terrible consequences.

Education is always the best option if you have a receptive candidate. Be patient and keep offering to point out what better training options are available.

There are some amazing training video out in the community. High value, generous free information by skilled artists giving away information gratis.

You have to dig around the sewer to find the pearls, however it is worth it and sometimes you can have someone send you the link.

Send it to some trusted colleagues first. Ask them to give honest constructive feedback and if they tell you it’s not great, listen to their advise.

Glenn Cooke will give you realistic feeback and can be found at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart’s known for keeping it real at Operant Canine

Who governs the animal law makers is a question most of us should be asking. It’s important to know who writes our laws and why? Who are the key stakeholders the benefit from the news laws or even many of the old ones? Is it some of us and if so who are they, or do we all benefit? Is it for the good of the community or for the popularity and relevancy of a politician?

As you can see above, there’s already a list of questions that can be asked and should be. For many of us in the dog training industry there are already invasive dog laws. But hold on your hats, as there’s more on the horizon and there will be not long after that.

What happens when they write all these new laws? Do they redact the old ones or do they just remain to linger on.

We believe that when dog laws are being suggested that there should be open community consultation. Not just the in crowd or the people that are preferred. This might not be the case but it feels like it as there are times when the only way you find out about them is after the fact.

After reading all that, don’t you feel it’s important to know who governs the animal law makers? And wouldn’t it be appreciated to know they serve all of us too.

Pat Stuart is working his but off with Operant Canine

Glenn Cooke is making a difference at Canine Evolution

Greyhounds and horses with Jedda and Georgie is the longest title we believe we have had on our show before. This podcast may raise some eyebrows in some circles as both ladies are involved in the racing industry. Not unlike most industries, there is speculation and often untruths around what people think and feel. This occurs more often when people feel strong emotions about something they see as aversive.

It’s true that animal racing industries have had dark past and unscrupulous people. Those people are seeping into all the cracks however and it has to be identified as a people problem. People cause problems in rescue industries as well. Well meaning, big hearted people can be huge issues without even knowing it.

Greyhounds and horses with Jedda and Georgie is about what jedda Ctlack and Georgie Harrington bring to the industry. Both ladies are ethical, dedicated caring individuals who love their dogs and horses and want the best for them. they also want better standards overall.

When we have these types of people in the racing industries, we know we have people who are there to care. We also need to be aware that some of these animals want to and enjoy the thrill of the race.

Some people believe that an ideal life for an animal is a sedentary lifestyle. Laying on the couch getting fat, is not the life an active animal desires and it’s not what their genes beckon for.

But neither is cruelty and mistreatment. Or role is custodians of the animals we care for must be one of love, compassion and respect.

Glenn Cooke is contactable at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart is at Operant Canine

More stories about Greyhounds right here

Asked to leave a dog club may not be the same as being kicked out of a dog club. Sometimes it feels like the same thing, however their may be valid reasons why the club cannot except you. They may be full, you may not be suitable or your dog may not be suitable or it could be conflict.

Not all clubs are the same though. Some are very transparent, some are deceptive. Many are run by dedicated and hard working people, some are run by people who are small in many ways other than their ego.

Groucho Marx once stated that he wouldn’t want to be a member of any club that excepted him as a member. Sometimes it’s best to avoid clubs with problematic people. This will prevent you having to be asked to leave a dog club without knowing why.

Not all people who apply for membership have an immediate right in many clubs. Many agree that this is often a good thing as some people who want to join may have silly agendas too. Therefore it may not be the club but the individual who is a wrong fit.

In any event, some times it’s best to move one rather than force the issue of being kicked out of a dog club. It may also encourage you to start your own and recruit your own suitable members.

Pat can tell you about PSA at operant Canine

Glenn is manning the helm at Canine Evolution

Difficult people can be all around us. you could be one of them

The two wolves expanded is the tale of the two wolves that many of us have most likely heard. We each have two wolves fighting for our soul. A good wolf or a bad wolf or a white wolf and a dark wolf. The question is asked, “which wolf would win the fight?” The answer being, the one that we feed.

In this episode, Birdy O’Sheedy joins Glenn Cooke once again to expand on the tale of the two wolves. Some times we tend to hear the abbreviated versions of great stories. This can and unfortunately often does leave out some of the most valued content which makes more sense.

This is why Birdy was so passionate about the explanation of expanding into the deeper story. Why the two wolves need each other and how we need to feed them both.

The two wolves expanded may give you a better understanding of the importance of a balanced life rather than just one or the other. Can you think of times where you have needed mix of opposites to balance out a situation in your life?

Glenn can be found changing the world at Canine evolution

To get more Birdy goodness, find her at Paws in life

Pat is making magic at Operant canine

Get comfortable saying No. Sounds pretty easy right? Well according to therapists it’s quite a challenge for some people to do. They get nervous, they are overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts, it’s really quite, uncomfortable.

So how do we bite the bullet and do it? Fortunately we have Birdie O’Sheedy on the show today to discuss this very topic

Many people find it ok and are comfortable not saying yes, however they still avoid saying the word, no.

Do people feel they will be rejected? Is it something they struggled with during adolescence? Do they feel rewarded by avoiding the word?

On the other side, what happens to us when we avoid saying words like no? How does it effect us and our behaviour long term? This is why we discuss that people need to get comfortable saying NO.

We also get to find out during the show that Birdy, Narelle and Glenn are planning on running seminars. Focusing on the body, mind and behaviour of dogs and owners. This can bring about more pleasure in owning and keeping a dog in the home.

Birdy can be contacted here for dogs and here for humans

Glenn is found in these parts. Canine evolution

Pat is located at Operant Canine

Dropping your anchor is not what we thought it was. Lets go back in time to find out the origin in the nice meaning

Bart Bellon on remote trainers is a story about Bart and Michael Bellon and their development of the Chameleon. The Bellon’s were involved in the early concept of remote trainers with Charles Martin and then bought the company.

Bart goes on to explain what the difference is with a Martin systems compared to other models on the market.

As many of you already know, The Canine Paradigm doesn’t shy away from talking about everything. We don’t condone stupid training or animal cruelty, even though some view remote trainers in this light.

Many feel it’s important to have an open mind, open heart approach to training. We also feel that knowing all side of the story makes the story complete.

For us, we felt it important to have Bart Bellon on remote trainers as he is one of the world authorities. Inventor and user for people in our industry, he and Michael have a sound idea on the application and design.

We know that some people will always have an opinion based in fear and in grape vine stories. We only recommend that real investigation with industry professionals at least be explored.

Glenn Cooke can be contacted at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart owns and operates Operant Canine

From one legendary trainer to another

Living with a reactive dog can be difficult and for some, upsetting. When most people think of reactivity, they are immediately drawn to aggression.

Reactivity is beyond the scope of just aggression as it is really about how any species responds to stimuli. For example, you may have a dog that is very quiet normally, except when a cat is present. In this example, the focus is now on predatory drive rather than that of fear based aggression.

Many forms of reactivity are associated with frustration and sometimes the end result is different than initially believed.

A reactive dog draws a lot of attention to itself and the owner which is where the emotions come into play. They are more than likely to be avoided and excluded from social play. Many times this is the best outcome as these dogs can be aggressive.

In any event, if you are living with a reactive dog, you should be seeking advise from a creditable behaviour expert.

Their assessment and advise can often correct the behavioural pathway and improve the relationship between you and the dog.

Glenn Cooke can help you with reactivity and aggression at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart will get you on the right path at Operant canine

This always gets a run on the show

Customer expectations can be varied. What we mean by that is that some customers have reasonable views and others, well they don’t.

Some have an expectation, however they fail to maintain the most simplistic obligation.

We all find this frustrating. Anyone in any industry does when you know that the only way results will be maintained or improved is with cooperation.

The expectations of customers can be over the top, unachievable and bizarre. The only time it’s a problem is when you or any industry professional allows the belief to continue.

If they are consulted well at the start and in easy to digest writing, both parties have clarity.

If you were not clear and elusive just to get the sale, you leave yourself open to being challenged. The reason why is because you did not meet your customer expectations.

Sometimes just when you think you have a handle on it, along comes the next customer. It’s not always easy to get a read on people but you need to try your best.

Speak clearly, with honesty and integrity. Listen when you need to and do what you can to help.

Glenn Cooke is at Canine Evolution

Pat Stuart is at Operant Canine

A gateway drug into our podcast show.

Getting to the point with askholes is really based on two separate points that we cleverly combined for the title. So how did we come up with concept? Jordan Peterson, our close personal friend was in town discussing his book, The 12 Rules for life. During his talk, he focused on rule 10, Be precise in your speech. Of the several topics, Jordan told the crowd how we often tell stories but fail to get to the point.

Not getting to the point can be frustrating. Like watching a movie that has no plot and it leaves you asking questions at the end.

Want to know what’s more frustrating? Askholes. An askhole is someone that asks for your advise and then does the opposite.

They also ask everyone else in town too while they continue to ignore their advise or worse, messing it up.

Not getting to the point and being an askhole each have their frustrations.

Want to get in touch with Pat? Operant Canine

Need to reach out to Glenn? Canine Evolution

Enjoy an episode with industry legend, Mike Suttle