Purpose breeding puppies is usually on the minds of owners, trainers, breeders. We wouldn’t say that’s always the case as there are so many people who did it without reason.

Puppies and puppy breeding have come under a lot of scrutiny in the last 10 years. Namely as there are so many puppies that never makes it to adulthood.

However, puppies do play an important part into preserving lineage of carefully planned breeding.

You know we both support rescue, however we both still see relevance in ethical breeding.

Further details

If your looking for contact details, great dog trainers and supporters of The Canine Paradigm, look no further. Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us, donate to our running costs and do great things for the canine community.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and dog training services at Operant Canine

If you wish to learn a little more about us, go here

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community. If you’re not sure how, just ask us.

You can get our full range of Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the canine community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our podcast, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be!

Check out Dogs Playing for Life! A rescue process changing dogs lives across the USA

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for dogs here. She also has her own podcast on all podcast directories called Natural Health for people and pets. Check it out.

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at Pause in life and at Paws in life

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

Patrick and Alisha Lockett from Haus Amberg Shepherds breeding high end puppies from German bloodlines SHOW SPONSOR

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada SHOW SPONSOR

Melanie Benware at Kindred K9 Solutions SHOW SPONSOR

Kathy Santo at Kathy Santo Dog Training SHOW SPONSOR

Jasmine Whiting is at Prime Canine

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Emma Murdoch Walk with me Ottawa

Find out more about GRC dog sports here

Urban Myths Part 2 was inevitable after we had a backlog of myths from our last farming session. There are so many myths out there it’s almost impossible not to hear them. However, there were a few that we had not heard before that were both comical and troubling.

For example, If you give a working dog milk, it will never work again! Or you can get pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat.

That’s the kind of information that old mate down the road loves telling the kids. Urban myths exist in all industries and just for the hell of it.

Thanks to our number 1 fan, Emma Murdoch for collecting a boat load of bullshit for your listening pleasure.

We do hope you enjoys our new batch of myths for 2020

Further details

If your looking for contact details and supporters of The Canine Paradigm, look no further. Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us and donate to our running costs.

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be

Glenn is found these days right here. Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat resides now at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running.

You can get our full range of Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our show, go here

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for pets here

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at Pause in life and at Paws in life

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada SHOW SPONSOR

Kylie Brights dog treats are right here at Brights Bites SHOW SPONSOR

Jasmine Whiting is at Prime Canine

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Emma Murdoch Walk with me Ottawa

Find out more about GRC dog sports here

The original urban myths podacst

Getting to the point with askholes is really based on two separate points that we cleverly combined for the title. So how did we come up with concept? Jordan Peterson, our close personal friend was in town discussing his book, The 12 Rules for life. During his talk, he focused on rule 10, Be precise in your speech. Of the several topics, Jordan told the crowd how we often tell stories but fail to get to the point.

Not getting to the point can be frustrating. Like watching a movie that has no plot and it leaves you asking questions at the end.

Want to know what’s more frustrating? Askholes. An askhole is someone that asks for your advise and then does the opposite.

They also ask everyone else in town too while they continue to ignore their advise or worse, messing it up.

Not getting to the point and being an askhole each have their frustrations.

Want to get in touch with Pat? Operant Canine

Need to reach out to Glenn? Canine Evolution

Enjoy an episode with industry legend, Mike Suttle

Dog parks dystopia or utopia came about after Glenn had a small rant on social responsibilities and then Pat re-listened to the episode to correct a point on dog parks.

As Pat has a local community dog park area that functions well, he felt the need to makes some valid contributions about how well good people and their dogs behave in some areas.

Like everything, there are good and bad dog parks, so the important take home message is to ensure good research is conducted prior to taking your dog there and coming home with a bad experience.

We unpack a few topics through this discussion and it goes around in a few different directions, however the modus operandi is always around being responsible and following a good duty of care when out in public with your dog.

If you enjoy our shows and you want to help us out or be a part of our education community, we have a Patreon account that helps us improve our standard and produce more content. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10936632