Being bitten by a dog can be an unexpectedly traumatic experience, leaving both physical and emotional scars. In workplaces, hobbies, and professions where interaction with dogs is common, understanding the risks and preventive measures is crucial.

The trauma of a dog bite extends beyond the immediate physical injury. Victims often experience heightened anxiety, fear of dogs, and even PTSD, affecting their ability to work or engage in activities they once enjoyed. The psychological impact can be profound, altering one’s sense of safety and well-being.

To mitigate these risks, implementing comprehensive strategies in environments where dogs are present is essential. This includes strict adherence to safety protocols, understanding dog behavior, and recognizing warning signs before an incident occurs.

Staff training plays a pivotal role in prevention. Educating employees on safe dog handling techniques can drastically reduce the likelihood of bites. Training should cover understanding dog body language, maintaining a calm and assertive demeanor, and knowing how to approach and interact with dogs safely.

Moreover, first aid training is indispensable. Quick and appropriate responses to a bite can prevent severe infections and promote faster healing, reducing the long-term impact of the injury.

Further details

looking for great dog trainers and supporters of the canine paradigm? Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us, donate to our running costs and do great things for the canine community.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and dog training services at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community. If you’re not sure how, just ask us.

You can get our full range of our Merch at our Teespring store here

You can help us by spreading the word amongst the canine community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our podcast, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes, spotify and any other podcast directory

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be! Understand?

Check out Dogs Playing for Life! A rescue process changing dogs lives across the USA

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for dogs here. Narelle has her own podcast on all podcast directories called Natural Health for people and pets. Check it out in person.

Looking for the best, human grade supplement range for your dogs? Check out Canine Ceuticals. Now available in the USA. SHOW SPONSOR

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

The motorcycle dog kennel by Rowdy Hound SHOW SPONSOR

Professional dog training services DanKroft K9 SHOW SPONSOR

Daycare and training from the heart dog training SHOW SPONSOR

Dog training all styles in Adelaide Dog Club SA SHOW SPONSOR

Our beloved friend and regular contributor, Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at

HUGE thanks to all our contributing artists. Please support their works

Jane Stuart
Avery Keller
Zoie Neidy

Lessons from the tantrum came from an actual full scale, first off tantrum that Pat’s second son Axel had. According to Pat, it was of epic proportions and it gave him some perspective on how his dog must feel when he is confused about a situation and doesn’t have the ability to effectively communicate it.

Any good educator will always consider the teachable moment, even in an unfavourable moment. Even a child’s tantrum, which most parents would prefer to not have to go through can be an insight into language, behaviour or control.

For us, it was a way of taking a child tantrum and swinging back into a relative topic about training dogs.

perhaps this a good line for an episode from the past talking about how to deal with pressure

Further details

looking for great dog trainers and supporters of the canine paradigm? Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us, donate to our running costs and do great things for the canine community.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and dog training services at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community. If you’re not sure how, just ask us.

You can get our full range of our Merch at our Teespring store here

You can help us by spreading the word amongst the canine community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our podcast, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes, spotify and any other podcast directory

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be! Truth!

Check out Dogs Playing for Life! A rescue process changing dogs lives across the USA

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for dogs here. Narelle has her own podcast on all podcast directories called Natural Health for people and pets. Check it out in person.

Looking for the best, human grade supplement range for your dogs? Check out Canine Ceuticals SHOW SPONSOR

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

The motorcycle dog kennel by Rowdy Hound SHOW SPONSOR

Professional dog training services DanKroft K9 SHOW SPONSOR

Our beloved friend and regular contributor, Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at and you can see her baby puppy on her instagram

HUGE thanks to all our contributing artists. Please support their works

Jane Stuart
Avery Keller
Zoie Neidy

Following up on being bitten takes off from episode 132 where we initially spoke about the subject. Because we had so many people reaching out that had also been bitten, we decided it would be a good idea to follow up.

So many of our listeners shared personal experiences of the personal anguish they were going through.

We had to follow up as a testimony to their bravery, as being bitten and living with the memory can be difficult.

Our listeners shared in their vulnerability, guilt and shame and how they are coping to this day.

Hopefully if you have been silent but this resonates, it will help you find some help or peace.

Further details

If your looking for contact details, great trainers and supporters of The Canine Paradigm, look no further. Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us and donate to our running costs.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and training services at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community.

You can get our full range of Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our show, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be!

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for pets here

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at Pause in life and at Paws in life

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada SHOW SPONSOR

Kylie Brights dog treats are right here at Brights Bites SHOW SPONSOR

Jasmine Whiting is at Prime Canine

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Emma Murdoch Walk with me Ottawa

Find out more about GRC dog sports here

Coping with being bitten is quite an undertaking as it can really change your perspective. It really can be something difficult to comprehend as it feels so personal.

Being bitten can and does change your relationship with your dog as it can leave you feeling violated. It can make you question your confidence and safety with your dog and many times your ability as a trainer.

In this episode we try and make a little sense of why these things happen and give suggestions on how to cope. However, as we are not psychologists, we can only make recommendations when thoughts are too serious.

In the event you do find yourself struggling with your thoughts, we always recommend the council of a trained professional. One to examine the dogs behaviour and perhaps someone to help with your thoughts.

Dogs bite for a lot of reasons, therefore we suggest being aware of the events leading up to being bitten. Although this is a helpful suggestion, it may not always be practical.

Further details

If your looking for contact details, great trainers and supporters of The Canine Paradigm, look no further. Below is a vast array of people and business’s who stand by us and donate to our running costs.

Glenn runs and has almost everything canine related at, Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat has a full range of coaching and training services at Operant Canine

You can support our show and get extra content right here on our Patreon page. Everything goes into keeping the show running and we love all the wonderful people who are part of that community.

You can get our full range of Merch at our Teespring store here

You can also help us by spreading the word amongst the community or even suggesting a special guest to interview.

If you need to find out how to listen to our show, go here

We have a YOUTUBE channel that you can subscribe to now

If you enjoyed the podcast, please review us on Itunes

Details on joining the IACP can be found here. If you’re not in it you should be!

For more details on how to help our friends at Peggy’s Promise, you can find all the details on how to do that on their website. They are our rescue charity of choice.

Support our supporters

Narelle Cooke’s raw feeding guide for pets here

Birdy O’Sheedy can be found at Pause in life and at Paws in life

Jason Firmin Einzweck Dog quip SHOW SPONSOR

K9 Dynamics online store for all our listeners in USA and Canada SHOW SPONSOR

Kylie Brights dog treats are right here at Brights Bites SHOW SPONSOR

Jasmine Whiting is at Prime Canine

Alex Edwards Refine your Canine

Emma Murdoch Walk with me Ottawa

Find out more about GRC dog sports here