Dr. Casara Andre IACP 2019 was an unexpected delight at the conference this year. We had never heard of her or the work she was involved in until now. This is why having these opportunities is so important so we can meet new people and find out what they are doing.

Cannabis, THC and CBD have been a stigma for many years and only recently have we begun to relax. Laws in many countries now are starting to realise that there are potential treatments available. Even now there are new studies in the medical and veterinarian fields showing enormous benefits.

This is why it was exciting for us to meet and talk with Dr. Casara Andre and her colleague, John about their work. When we make an effort to understand subjects with more depth, we demonise them less.

If we have better means to treat our pets with more natural products, isn’t that worth knowing more about? If you enjoyed this episode and want to know more or help support the cause you can.

Look at https://www.veterinarycannabis.org for more information

Having just been at the IACP conference and spent time in person with Melanie, we can do it again.

Further details

Dr. Andre’s work in cannabis can be understood more here

Details on joining the IACP cane be found here

Glenn is found these days right here. Canine Evolution or Pet Resorts Australia

Pat resides now at Operant Canine

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